About Me
Colin Holmstrom
First and foremost I am an amazing husband to an even more amazing wife and mother, with whom I share the love and responsibility for our two young boys. I’m hoping by sharing my thoughts and experiences, maybe I can help other gents find their style and wardrobe – without breaking the bank. I also maintain an all-natural, organic, free-range beard.
Feel free to reach out at colin@afterthesuit.com
My thoughts are my own (except when my wife tells me otherwise). Sometimes, I may receive a product for the purpose of an honest review. This will always be stated clearly in the post, and my opinion will not be swayed by free and/or shiny things. Also, I won’t be reviewing anything from anyone that I wouldn’t consider spending my own money on in the first place.
If my ramblings inspire you to click any links in a post, you should know I will have affiliate links setup from time to time that may result in a small commission being generated.